Changing of the Guard, 2019

This is the end of my third year as a professor, and with each year, our little research family grows. Nick, Jay, David, and Claudia were active in the lab this academic year, but only Nick will be returning for the summer. That means many new faces will show up around the lab, and I couldn’t be more excited! This summer roster includes Ellen Warner (DRI recipient; go Ellen!), David Choi, Alexa Greenwood, Corey Angle (DRI-HBCU recipient from Livingstone College; yes Corey!), and Tashroom Ahsan (NCSSM).

I wanted to bring everyone together to celebrate this occasion , so we all went out to lunch last week. I gave out parting gifts to the graduating seniors (Nick and Jennie), each receiving a 3D-printed version of one of their most prized crystal structures! I love this stuff! Nick and Jennie will be sorely missed, but they did some amazing work and came a very long way from their first days in lab. I couldn’t be more proud.

Current and new Anstey group members posing for a photo.
Group members enjoying lunch and receiving gifts.

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