New Members for Summer 2019

During the Fall, it’s a mad dash for students and faculty alike to find research opportunities for the following summer. And with the Davidson Research Initiative deadline coming in December, it’s a crazy time to get a new person up to speed on content and able to write a convincing proposal.

I was very fortunate to find three great people that are excited about joining me for research this summer. Ellen Warner (’20), David Choi (’21), and Alexa Greenwood (’22) are ready for action! Expect to see lots of funny photos of them learning how to use a glovebox. Hopefully, we don’t have anymore incidents of people getting sucked inside again….

I would like to make a special shoutout to Ellen because she was awarded one of the Davidson Research Initiative grants for this summer! It’s a huge honor, and a great acknowledgement of the hard work she has put in over the years to get to this point. Go Ellen!

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